Monday, November 16, 2009

These are pictures that I took for the photo demo. I learned a couple techniques to improve portraits with light. One of which was a technique that doesn't require fancy equipment, it uses other objects to bounce light onto the subject.

For my last assignment I chose to take pictures of me light painting. This was one of my favorite assignments out of the seven that I chose, but I had a hard time thinking of ideas for this one. most of my pictures were taken in my basement and the rest were taken outside at night.

Technical Information:

ISO: 400
Aperture: 5
Shutter Speed: 3/0 sec

Monday, November 9, 2009

I chose to take pictures of shadows and light for this assignment. I got up early in the morning to take pictures of shadows outside and ended up taking pictures of tree shadows. This was one of the harder photo assignments I had to shoot, because I couldn't really think of any ideas for it. This is a picture of forest shadows early in the morning in the back of my house.

Technical Information:

ISO: 200
Aperture: 3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/2000

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This is a picture using a technique called panning. Its not very focused on the subject but it has a blurred background which is the main point of a panning photograph.

Monday, November 2, 2009

For this assignment I chose to shoot pictures of animals. over the weekend I went out in the woods to take pictures of birds since there aren't very many animals around my house. I was outside for about three hours each day trying to take some pictures of birds, but for some reason I couldn't find very many or get close enough to take pictures. I was using a 200 zoom lens but it still didn't help very much. I eventually found a hawk and snapped a few pictures of it. The picture Im turning in is a picture of my gecko. I chose this picture over my pictures of the hawk because they weren't as focused as this picture.

Technical Information:

ISO: 400
Aperture: 2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/200 sec

Monday, October 26, 2009

I chose to take pictures that showed movement for the past week. This was the hardest theme that I had to shoot so far and I had a lot of trouble getting pictures that showed movement but were still focused on an object. I ended up taking loads of pictures that were to blurry to use and i only got a few that would work. The picture I'm turning in is a picture of me riding on my rip stick.

Technical Information:

ISO : 400
Aperture : 3.5
Shutter Speed : 1/30 sec

Monday, October 19, 2009

I chose to take pictures of patterns, shapes, and textures for this assignment. I took most of my pictures indoors and found some cool patterns and shapes in my house that I never noticed before. The picture Im turning in is a picture of a matchbox on a table in my kitchen.

Technical information:

ISO: 1600
Aperture: 5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/320 sec

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is a picture of my first assignment using Gimp. I learned how to use a few basic functions that Gimp has to offer. Gimp is a great tool for editing pictures and I hope to learn more about this program in my future assignments.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I chose to take pictures of an event for my second photo assignment. I drove all the way to Portage the cheer on my cross country team and to take pictures for this assignment. It was very cold outside and my camera battery kept shutting down so I had to take it out and warm it up with my hands a lot. The picture I chose to turn in for a grade is a picture of Andrew Harper running the fastest time he ever has in a 5k race.

technical information:

ISO: 100
Aperture: 5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/500 sec

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Nature_photo assignment 1

For my first photo assignment I chose to take pictures of nature. most of the pictures I took were in the woods around my house. My favorite picture that I took and the one Im turning in for a grade is a picture of wild grape vines. I took this picture in the rain thinking that it would turn out to be a bad picture, but it turned out to be one of my best.

Technical settings:

ISO: 800
Aperture: 5
Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec

Monday, October 5, 2009

For my assignment coming up on Wednesday I will be taking some pictures of nature. I already have pictures taken from last Friday and I will continue to take some until the due date. I had trouble with the weather last weekend and only managed to get a few pictures so hopefully the weather will be better on my last two days. Here are some pictures that i will use as inspiration:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Composition Assignment #2

The composition assignment number two required the class to take five new pictures of five new elements in photography. They where: space, color, perspective, balance and framing. My favorite pictures I took where framing, color, and space. For color I took a picture of a bright red coat, for framing i took a picture of the schools architecture, and i took a picture of a few thumb tacks on a wall for space. I learned five new ways to improve my photos and learned how to use these when out in the field.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Composition Assignment #1

This assignment asked us to take pictures in six categories and pick out our best photo in each of them. The categories where texture, lines, symmetry, rule of thirds, pattern, and depth of field. I learned to use these six categories to improve the pictures I take. I learned that taking a picture with the subject directly in the center is not always the best way to take a picture and that the technique of rule of thirds can greatly improve a photo.